women's circles

“Women united in close circles can awaken the wisdom in each other’s hearts.  If in addition, we learn to surrender to the ancestor’s guidance, we will learn about our mission together. As the bringers of life, the Grandmother’s say, we have no choice but to join together and raise our voices for humanity and for our Mother Earth, for the sake of the next seven generations to come [and beyond].”

~ Carol Schaefer, Grandmothers Counsel the World

Calling Circle

Our circles are transmissions, informed, and infused by the guidance I receive as I listen, attune, and co-create with the magic, mystery, and messiness of mundane life that is calling us. Together we sense the vulnerability of our humanness as we rest in the vessel of our soul. We co-create a beautiful virtual field as our community collectively weaves the filaments of love, light, and transformation.

We are calling in the seen and unseen forms that embody the spirit of the feminine within each of us. We will explore our medicine gifts through Her presence, guidance, and blessings through intention, ritual practice, journey work, and prayers.

I offer online women's circles

Calling Circle Dates

April 16th - Spring’s Rhythms
May 18th - Moon Phase - Waxing Gibbous


Online Calling Circle Story

I'm answering the call I received in April 2020, to gather us from the four directions during these days of wild uncertainty and unprecedented loss.  While things are falling down, falling apart they are simultaneously breaking open and incubating new birth. Transformation invites us on an alchemical journey into a greater awakening and more unified consciousness. We dig deep in the dark bringing the shadow into the light to be healed.

We are warriors of the light, midwives of the new era, messengers of the ancient wisdom, and children of the beloved earth, sun, moon, stars, and all the sacred elements.

We as women more than ever are stepping into our leadership so that our voices may be heard, and our medicine honored.

Now is a time of listening and receiving from these hard times so we may hear the guidance and learn the lessons that guide us in a new way. We call upon our strength and resilience to navigate the waves that recede and rise with the unknown changes and the great mystery.

We’ve heard the words sacred pause, the great turning, the great purification, and the great shift. Let's receive these times with grace, reverence, and love together. As Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Let's gather and co-create as a community a 'new era' for ourselves, with each other, and with our beloved Pachamama and all our relations.


Here are some of the messages I've been receiving that we will explore during our gatherings:

  • Talk to the Holy Ones, guides, animal spirits, and ancestors every day.

  • Honor the Sacred Feminine in all things seen and unseen so we may be imbued with Her wisdom and embody Her attributes into our daily beauty walk.

  • Call in our spirit guides, ancestors, animal allies, and plant helpers to receive guidance in our life.

  • Clear, cleanse, realign, and bless our whole being with energy balancing practices.

  • Cultivate our vision, instinctual nature, intuition, and imagination as we listen to the messages we receive and incubate them in our hearts.

  • Attune to the sacred elements, the cycles of the solar and lunar rhythms.

  • Explore shamanic aromatherapy through clearing, blessing, and anointing rituals.

  • Send prayers for our families, communities, global family, and Mother Earth with our ritual offerings.

  • Remember that our transformation contributes to the collective healing of the planet.

  • Witness and share with our sisters as we deepen our journey within our soul’s beauty.


Offering an online circle is new to me and I'm passionate about all the possibilities that will arise. I am honored to gather with you in Prayer, Love, and Light as we call in what is breaking through and reflect on the ways we can give birth and embody our wisdom medicine gifts.

Sending love, light, and healing grace in all directions,


Love Notes and Gratitude for Sacred Circles with Deborah


Deborah embodies the spirit of the sacred feminine wisdom keeper, the wise elder sage, who is deeply communing, gathering and collecting, the whispers of our rememberings and singing these stories back to our hearts. She has a beautiful gift of calling women to gather in circle to re-member our sacred relationship with ourselves, and with the elements of the natural world, teaching from grace the ways of healing for all of life upon this planet. In these circles, Deborah creates a safe space, allowing for the unfolding of what once was, and opening the door for healing to occur on both a personal and collective level. Her beautiful connection with the plant relatives comes through in all of her creations, blessings, and prayers, as she weaves and creates from the wisdom of the moon and sacred waters, and from her sacred communion with the Earth. I feel deeply honored to be in circle with Deborah.

Tiffany Powers, Morgan Hill, CA.


A few words from my heart …

I am filled with such a deep sense of gratitude for the synchronicities that led me to this beautiful Calling Circle. To sit around the virtual fire with Deborah is to be held in a field of healing grace, amplified by the loving presence of the women who are called to gather. Deborah co-creates a sacred space imbued with the energy of the Divine Feminine, inviting us to pause and give space for creative guidance to come in. Each prayer, journey, and ritual Deborah shares is a way back home to the wisdom and beauty of our Heart, to a place of deep connection and reverence for all of Life. There is something so nourishing and transformative about coming together, in all our humanness, to honour our Soul’s path. I am ever grateful to Deborah for the gift of her presence and the medicine of this beautiful circle.

Cheryl Mrsic Vancouver, Canada


Deborah is a natural leader of Sacred Circles. The group of women that answered the call to join Deborah’s circle provide a safe, non-criticizing, open, honest, and sacred space to rest in. I have received so much nourishment from these virtual gatherings. They bring me to a deep quiet space where my intuition is readily available, they remind me of what is holy which naturally gives rise to peace and gratitude. The love, protection, and guidance by Deborah absorb negative energy and helps to restore balance in a loving, humbling, and gentle way.

I also find the energy of the circle stays with me during the month. Deborah calls in the elements (earth, fire, water, air, and space) in the circle, and the love and respect she has for them naturally rubs off. Recently I was outside one-morning weeding and the smell of the earth, the warmth of the sun, and the coolness of the gentle breeze were like goddesses at that moment. So often, I do not even acknowledge these elements never mind appreciate them and feel the love they bring. Somehow the power of the circle brought this to light and filled me with peace and gratitude. Another simple example of the circle being present, during my ordinary day, now when I drink water there is gratitude for the water and how she restores and nourishes. This is small and simple and at the same time, it brings love and gratitude to the forefront. For me, any drop of love and gratitude that any of us can offer gives the world healing and nourishment for all.

Billie Wolff - Nurse - Doula

Circle Resources:


Rise of the Sacred Feminine

The Living Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine in the Center of our Being

Rituals for Transition and Transformation

Sacred Space Sprays

Each of the Sacred Space Sprays is organic and wildcrafted grown, harvested, and distilled in a sustainable and loving way. Since they are prepared with our mother's waters we receive her life-giving vital energy when we spray. 

Read more about Sacred Space Sprays
Earth Spirit
Sacred Feminine
White Sage


Anointing Oil Blends

Shop Aromatic Anointing Oils

The One Who Is at Play Everywhere says,

There is a space in the heart where everything meets. Come here if you want to find me. Mind, senses, soul, eternity – all are here. Are you here?

Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart. Listen to the song that is always resonating. Give yourself to it with total abandon. Quiet ecstasy is here, And a steady, regal sense Of resting in a perfect spot. You who are the embodiment of blessing, Once you know the way,

The nature of attention will call you to return. Again and Again, answer that call, And be saturated with knowing, “I belong here, I am at home.”

Answer that call!  

by Lorin Roche in The Radiance Sutras
