Sacred Feminine - 4oz

Sacred Feminine - 4oz


Organic & Wild Harvested Essential Oils in Distilled Water and Organic Grapeseed Alcohol.

Sacred Feminine spirit waters is a mystical, alchemical scent that transports one into the arms of the Beloved Mother of all worlds in her infinite forms and Her formlessness. She is the Cosmic Mother and embodies the Pachamama (Mother Earth). The potency of this aroma awakens Her presence in the marrow of our bones guiding us home to our true essence as She walks with us on our soul path.

The Cosmic Mother called me to be present—listen, and co-create this transformational blend to midwife the return and rise of Her presence and gifts into humanity at this time.

This sacred space spray may be used to cleanse, sanctify, and bless your body, sacred spaces, rituals, and ceremonies. You may call-in, evoke, and give birth to the sacred feminine in the way she reveals Herself to you when reverently misting the Sacred Feminine spirit spray.

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” I received the Sacred Feminine Spray! I want to climb inside the bottle and bathe in it! The scent is intoxicating, it is comforting, nourishing, wild, sensual, and then some.

The love you infuse into these bottles is pure magic, Deborah. I am going to use it daily during my sacred morning time and so look forward to using it in Circle too”.

~ Jill Cooper - Massage Therapist, Mind-Body Nutrition Coach, and Yoga Nidra Facilitator

The Sacred Feminine spirit waters communes with the solar/lunar cycles, sacred elements, Holy Ones, and Ñustas the Divine Feminine. She awakens and nourishes the potent life-giving energies of Sami within you and the biofield of the Pachamama. She is the divine doula giving birth to the wild daughters of the Pachamama, the powerful goddess energies from the cosmos, and in the ways, she is revealed to you. This is an intimate relationship of remembrance, renewal, and re-birthing. This is the Presence of the Sacred Feminine reclaiming Her power and Her balanced relationship with the Divine Masculine.


Organic & Wild Harvested Essential Oils of Marigold Flowers (Tagetes erecta L.) from India, Copal Resin (Daniellia olivera) from Kenya, Cacao Beans (Theobroma cacao) Extract from Equador, et al. In Organic Grapeseed Alcohol and the Holy Element of Water. All the Sacred Space Sprays are prepared with our Mother's Waters. We receive her life-giving vital energy when we spray. Shamanically infused with love, light, and healing grace.

Sacred Space Spray Practice

You may mist around your body, sacred spaces, during rituals, or ceremonies. Breathe into this moment offering a prayer as you prepare to consecrate your body and/or environment for cleansing, sanctification, and blessings. As we mist, we partake of the plant’s gifts, renewing and transforming ourselves and the Pachamama (Mother Earth). Use this spray with the same respect you would when you are smudging with the plants. Spray around your body, then your heart. Closing your eyes, bring the mist up to your face with your hands, and take four deep breaths.

Rise of the Sacred Feminine

“The rise of the Spirit of the Feminine is now. She is a weaver of visions and dreams known by many names—curandera, medicine woman, shaman, wild woman, and wise woman. The Sacred Feminine is the life-giver breathing life into all her children. She’s the incubator of infinite capacities, restoring the being of Gaia, Pachamama, and all that has been disconnected, abandoned, and forgotten. We are held in her loving arms just as we are in the grit and grace of our humanness”.

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